Introduction to the Alexander Technique
Use of the Self - F.M. Alexander (1932)
Freedom to Change - Frank Pierce Jones (1979) 2nd ed
How to Learn the Alexander Technique - Barbara Conable & William Conable (1991)
What you think is what you get - Donald L. Weed (2004)
Performance & the Alexander Technique
Integrative Alexander Technique Practice for Performing Artists: Onstage Synergy - Cathy Madden (2014)
Galvanising Performance - Ed. Cathy Madden & Kathleen Juhl (2017)
What every dancer needs to know about the body - Robin Gilmore & David Gorman (2005)
What every musician needs to know about the body - Barbara Conable (2000)
Interesting Links
Alexander Technique International
Website devoted to Master Teacher Marjorie Barstow - see videos of her magnificent teaching