What happens in a lesson?
A lesson involves you, the student, exploring an activity of your choice. It may be a fundamental activity (sitting, walking or reaching), day to day activity or a more specialised pursuit like playing a musical instrument, performing a work skill, singing, performing yoga or a sporting activity.
Or perhaps you are interested in what Kell calls "a way of being and acting" exploration - to have more options in a social or work situation, cope with loud noises, make decisions or creative plans. Your choices are endless.
Together, you and Kell will experiment and explore your chosen activity with Kell providing feedback and updating your understandings; verbally, through movement & demonstration and the use of light touch (instruction can be purely verbal at a student's request).
Information and experimentation regarding body mapping (one’s understanding of how one’s own body is designed, its size and the way it moves), clarity about your intention or movement plan in an activity and consideration of an activity's wider circumstances may be explored in order to facilitate your optimal coordination and enhance the quality of your activity.
Kell aims to create a supportive and playful environment in which students can explore any activity or aspect of their life utilizing the Alexander Technique.